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Creature Cocks – Beasts


SKU: creaturebeasts Category: Brand:


Stegosaurus Spiky Reptile – You bask outside in the sun. It is a hot, summer day and there’s no better place to be than on the banks of a river, your naked body resting on the hot, desert rocks under the midsummer sun, water droplets dripping from you as you dry off under the sun. Your hat shades your eyes, and you let yourself melt under the heat as your muscles relax. You hiked out here, far from the trail, to get away from everyone. The only thing you hear is the trickle of water over stone and the occasional scratch of a lizard as it scurries across the rocks. You’re feeling parched, so you lift the hat from your eyes and lift yourself up. It takes a moment to get used to the bright sun. as your eyes adjust you reach for your water bottle, blinded by the sun. As soon as your fingers touch it, you know it isn’t your bottle. You immediately pull your hand away and recoil as the thing starts moving! You back off and look wildly around you, trying to figure out what you touched and where it is. Then you hear a loud, scratching sound. Claw marks…are left on the stone where you were just laying down. As you spin around to leave, you come face to face with a spiked reptilian creature! Its eyes are gold and blue flecks, slits for pupils, and two flared nostrils meet you face to face. You swallow and freeze. Its body is covered in thick spikes and, when you squint, you see how it could easily camouflage as a tall cactus if it stood still and straight. It climbs on top of you and you whimper. Its tongue tastes your body, the flicking motion tickling your skin. You are very aware of how naked you are and can feel every spike and scale against your belly. It turns around, a complete 180 turn, and suddenly you’re faced with a protruding, pulsing rod! You nearly scream as it begins to lick between your thighs. Will it eat you alive? You try to writhe and wiggle free, but its weight is so heavy it keeps your arms and legs pinned. Then its rod begins to ooze a golden, sticky secretion… it drips onto your face and onto your mouth. It tastes like cactus juice, almost sweet but just a little bitter. Somehow, it quenches your thirst. What is happening to you? You feel yourself getting excited, feeling intoxicated on this golden liquid. It turns around again, and you know what it wants. As it pushes into you, your fingers grab the rock, and you bite your lip. You can feel every single spiky bump… and it feels like a waterfall of pleasure in this dry desert as it penetrates you again and again…

Venom – “Eddie? Is that you?” You hear a grumble from the other room, and then a crash as a chicken flies across the room. You’d just come to do a check up on your friend. After all, he’s been acting very strange lately. Your mild concern has turned into full on worry as you step into the room filled with chickens, chocolate and broken furniture. “Eddie! Are you okay?” you call out, nervous. You hear another crash from the other room and run towards the sound, worried that he’s hurt. You find him, sprawled out across his disheveled bed, completely naked and groaning. Your cheeks flush and you think of leaving, but then another moan makes you run to his side. “Eddie! Tell me you’re okay! What is going on? Why are you naked and…” you notice now that his back is arching and he’s making jerking motions, tremors running through his body. Then you see the largest, blackest, rod you’ve ever seen! The huge, round head is covered in beads and popping veins, with amorphous white and black fluid moving around the balls! You scream and start to make a run for it, but then two black arms reach for you and pull you back towards him. Except, it isn’t Eddie… it is some kind of alien creature with a giant tongue and black eyes… You scream again but then a third arm tears your clothes off and the tongue starts to lick between your legs. It seems impossible that he could have such a reach, and so many arms… Just as you start to moan, the giant rod shoves itself into your hole and you scream in shock! You nearly pass out but as the rod moves inside you it moves like fluid, filling every crevice and perfectly forming to your shape. You begin to ride waves of rhythmic movement as the creature’s tongue flicks over your nipples. Soon you forget about Eddie, and you forget why you came here; all that you can think about is how good it feels…

Raptor Claw Fisting – You’re gagged and bound against the cave wall. You struggle against the shackles, disgusted with the rag thrust in your mouth and the mysterious slime on the cave walls that is creeping down your back every time you lean against it. A fire flickers in the distance, and you see one of your captors, a reptilian humanoid with long teeth and large eyes. They’re walking towards you, and you tense up, fear creeping into your blood and making it run cold. The creature places the torch on the wall beside you. You feel the heat on your face and look away. Then they take their large, clawed hand and lean it on the slimy wall as they bring their horrifying face inches away from you. Their tongue reaches out and tastes you, licking you from your neck to your forehead, and you can no longer stifle the scream that is inside of you! The scream echoes on the wall and the lizard creature makes a strange, laughing sound. Then they take their hand and wipe it against the wall, gathering as much slime as they can. With their other hand, they rip off your pants, tearing them in the process. You gasp in shock and then squirm to try and hide your vulnerable, bare skin. You feel mortified and then your terror spikes again as you see them bringing this dripping wet, slimy, clawed hand between your thighs and… “Aaahhhhh!!” you scream even louder as they slip it inside of you. You want to pass out, the size is too big! How will you ever take it all inside! They work their hand inside you, opening and closing the clawed fingers, massaging you, and then wriggling a little further in. Your moans turn into heaving gasps and your eyes roll back in your head. They’re going in further! They’ve got a few knuckles in and then… 3 knuckles… 4 knuckles!! Their hand pops inside and your body closes around it as if holding on tight is its only defense! You feel a rush of euphoria and bliss that makes you dizzy… But then they start moving in rhythms, watching you writhe and moan in a pleasure so foreign it completely confuses you… And as you lose track of time and space, you realize that you’re enjoying yourself, that you crave it. “Deeper! Yes! Harder! Yes! Please!” you beg and as they move you climax! Their hand slips out of you gently, and you pass out, held up only by the shackles on the wall.

Squirmer – You run across the dunes to the mountain crags, hiding from the storm. Inside one of the caverns, you see a light. It glows faintly and so you follow it in. As you get deeper inside, you notice stalagmites and bioluminescent creatures crawling on the floor. For a desert, the mountain areas that keep their secret water reserves hidden are lifelines for all kinds of strange creatures. You light up a torch, the flames flickering and casting eerie shadows on the walls, and then go deeper inside to wait out the storm. Suddenly you step on something slippery, hear the squish, and lose your balance! With a loud crack you land on your back and grunt in pain. You touch the slippery stuff and see a green, oozing slime. “What is this?” you say in disgust, but then you hear a squelching sound from deeper in the cave followed by a blood-chilling screech! You hold up your torch and see the red, glowing eyes of a giant, green, wormlike monster! As it comes towards you you begin to scamper backwards. You think you can escape but then hundreds of smaller, tiny worms begin to crawl across the walls and you realize you must have killed one of them, and the mother is coming to eat you! The hivemind has only one thing in mind and its to trap you. They’re climbing onto your clothes, squirming beneath your skin, thrusting and gyrating to get under all your layers. You grab at your clothing, tearing it of to try and get at the squirming worms, but now the Queen worm has caught up and pins you down under her! The worms squirm down between your thighs and to your horror, they begin to slip inside of you!!

Godzilla – You wake up, groggy and disoriented, with a pounding headache. As you open your eyes you see lightning flash in a violet sky, illuminating craggy mountains in the distance. You vaguely remember having a system error with your spaceship, and emergency landing, really just crash-landing, on Xenon 5, a forbidden planet due to its untamed beasts and harsh weather. You push yourself and realize with horror that your suit has been wrecked. You’ve been breathing the air of Xenon 5 for hours unconscious. “”Well, I guess it isn’t poisonous…I would’ve died by now.”” You strip out of your cumbersome suit and keep only your undergarments, boots, radio, and a gun. You have no idea where your other comrades are, or if they even survived the landing. You don’t know how you survived the landing, either. A terrifying, blood-chilling, bone-rattling roar sounds from behind you, and you feel the hairs stand up on your body in fear. You turn around slowly and see a large, black and green, lizard-like monster with scales like armour. Its glowing eyes meet yours and after a brief moment of freezing in place, you bolt, running as fast as you can! The beast lumbers after you, growling and snarling as it chases its prey. Your boots are too heavy. The gravity is too dense here. It’s impossible to keep ahead of it! It pounces on top of you and you both tumble. You try to fight it off, but it’s no contest; it pins you and you stare up at its glowing eyes and feel the heat of its breath. Then its body begins to change, all of its scales begin to glow, and between your legs you feel something… You look down and see a massive, scaly, pointed shaft uncurl like a tentacle. It goes from curled up and soft to rigid and outstretched, and it begins to reach for the space between your legs! You shriek, new terror gripping you, but the beast snarls and keeps you pinned. It reaches its maximum erectness, then it plunges into you! You scream as it fills you up, rubbing against you and stretching you out! The gravity on this planet intensifies every movement, and as you gasp for air between your screams, you get lightheaded. Soon you’re feeling euphoric, even more disoriented, and strangely craving more…

DON’T FORGET TO ADD YOUR Creature Slime Creature Cum (unscented) (8 oz)  – Want to take your fantasy play to a new level? Aching to get the thick, oozing cum all over one of your Creature Cocks and inside your holes?  This incredibly thick, gooey lube ensures every slick, slippery slide and ride goes beyond your human limitations! This creature jizz is gloriously unscented, perfect for those who want to ride the monster but not smell them. Compatible with all your kinky toys thanks to its water-based formula, you’ll clean up faster than a monster escaping daylight.


  •  Creature Jizz: Fill yourself up with monster loads!
  • Thick and Gooey: This formula is thick, gooey, and oozes out of every hole!
  • Water-Based: Safe to use on any toy and cleans up easily!
  • Unscented: No more offensive monster aroma! This is scent-free. Prepare yourself for the ultimate monster experience with Creature Jizz!

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Stegosaurus Spiky Reptile, Venom, Raptor Claw Fisting, Squirmer, Godzilla, Creature Slime Creature Cum


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